What do women leaders working to protect their communities from violence in South Sudan and Colombia have in common? How do we understand unarmed civilian protection from the perspective of communities living under crossfire? How has collective community work helped to confront armed actors? How do we understand self-protection beyond the physical to include an emotional perspective?
These were some of the questions addressed by the speakers who participated in the N+ Creating Safer Space Regional Workshop for Latin America. The event, organized by the Faculty of Nursing of the University of Antioquia, was held from 5-7 June 2024 in the city of Medellin, Colombia.
The main objective of the workshop was to bring together researchers and some participants of the Network’s ten projects that were carried out in Colombia. It sought to create a space for academic exchange to share research findings and to allow for a collective dialogue on plans for future collaborations to emerge.

Each of the projects participated with at least two representatives, amounting to the participation of thirty people who traveled from the United Kingdom, Argentina, the United States, and different parts of Colombia: Buenaventura, Cali, Bogotá, Caloto, San Luis, Marinilla, Palestina (Huila) and Medellín. Some of the topics explored were related to community self-protection in contexts of urban violence, the understanding of self-protection beyond the physical dimension, spirituality as a tool for self-protection, the spontaneous and unplanned dimension of unarmed civilian protection, the relationship between care and self-protection in processes of land defense, and the role of art as a creative and nonviolent strategy to confront violence.
Furthermore, attendees were also able to participate in the opening of the exhibition Creating Safer Space. This will continue to be on display at the Carlos Gaviria Díaz Library of the University of Antioquia until 30 July 2024, and guided tours are available on the first floor of the library at the following times:
- Thursday 11 July, 11:00 am: What is unarmed civil protection (UCP)?
- Friday 19 July, 11:00 am: What is community self-protection?
- Thursday 25 July, 11:00 am: The role of art in the UCP and community self-protection
- Tuesday 30 July, 11:00 am: The role of non-violence in the UCP and community self-protection
A virtual version of the exhibition is available here.

The closing of the event took place at the theatre of the Network’s partner organization, Arlequín y los Juglares (Harlequin and the Jugglers). On Friday night, a film screening was held where some audiovisual products of the Network were presented. In addition, the Arlequín theater group presented a play that highlights the importance of the Afro population in the history of Colombia.
This Regional Meeting was the last of three regional closing events held by the Network to open spaces for dialogue among the 26 projects it supported and sponsored. The Africa and Middle East event was held in Kenya in January 2024 and the Southeast Asia event in Thailand in February 2024.