Watch Creating Safer Space Films Online

We have a new Films Online section on our website, with films produced by Creating Safer Space projects available to watch for free:

Let the rivers be for life! explores water conflicts around the rivers La Paloma (Argelia), Santo Domingo (San Francisco) and Dormilón (San Luis) in Colombia.

Civil protection to stay on our land documents the experience of Palestinian farmers and shepherds with civil protection in the South Hebron Hills.

La Fiesta is the recording of a theatre production performed by Harlequin and the Jugglers. It underscores the transformative power of art in communities affected by urban violence.

Caring for community life tells the story of how the Senú indigenous people in Colombia have been organizing to resist armed groups and to remain in their ancestral territories.

Ramadan, Faith, Relationships, Peace explores the impact of the conflict in southern Thailand on Malay Muslims, and their struggle to express their own identity and culture.

When a young blood bleeds is a song/poem about extra-judicial killings in Kenya, produced by Spontaneous the Poet.

Minga explores the history and meaning of a community-based socio-cultural and political practice known as Minga, an indigenous form of protest and resistance in Colombia.

More films will come in the next few months.