Creating Safer Space: A Celebration!

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The Creating Safer Space network has brought together people from 70 organisations in 13 countries to better understand unarmed civilian protection and self-protection amidst violent conflict. As the network draws to a close, join us to find out more about our work, to celebrate our achievements and to look ahead!

1.00 – 2.30 pm UTC on Friday 21 February

Register for the Zoom event HERE


  • Research Findings and Achievements: Berit Bliesemann de Guevara, Nerve Macaspac, Beatriz Arias and Rachel Julian
  • Keynote Speech: Rosemary Kabaki, Head of Mission South Sudan, Nonviolent Peaceforce
  • Highlights from a selection of Creating Safer Space projects around the world
  • Reflections from the audience

Bring a local drink to celebrate!

Further information about the images on the e-flyer: