Water conflicts, violations and forms of self-protection, phase 1

A multi-case study in Eastern Antioquia, Colombia

Socio-environmental conflicts are understood as those arising from the contradiction between antagonistic forms of appropriation, productive management, distribution and significance of nature. This research focuses on water as the structuring axis of hydro-social relations and on the conflicts that arise over its control and use. It seeks to document the environmental conflicts related to concession processes for hydroelectric projects on the rivers La Paloma, Santo Domingo and Dormilón, with emphasis on three municipalities in Eastern Antioquia (Colombia) – Argelia, San Francisco and San Luis – in order to recognise both the particular forms of violation and their actors, as well as the self-protection strategies deployed by the inhabitants and organizations.

IX Festival del Agua, Sonsón, 2017

Research team

  • Beatriz Arias López, Universidad de Antioquia (principal investigator)
  • Hernán Dario Pineda Gómez, Universidad de Antioquia 
  • Mateo Valderrama, Asociación Campesina de Antioquia – ACA
  • Juan David Arias, Grupo De investigación Territorio, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
  • Jessica Restrepo, Grupo De investigación Territorio Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
  • Vanessa Vasco Vargas, Corporación Jurídica Libertad

Project Outputs

Project brochure Let the rivers be for life! Self-protection and community care. Available in English and Spanish.

Three short films Let the rivers be for life! (with an introduction).

Introduction/Reel: ¡Que los ríos sean para la vida! | Let the rivers be for life!

Short Film 1: Argelia, Antioquia, Colombia: Río La Paloma | La Paloma River

Short Film 2: San Francisco, Antioquia Colombia: Río Santo Domingo | Santo
Domingo River

Short Film 3: San Luis, Antioquia, Colombia: Rio Dormilón | Dormilón River

Phase II

This project has led to a second continuation phase. Read more about Phase II.

Other Project Information

Map of the geographical research area
Mural XII Festival del Agua
XII Festival del Agua, movilización El-Santuario, 2020