Lead Organisations would normally be expected to meet the following criteria:
Ability to Deliver
The organisation should:
- Be able to demonstrate in-house capacity in terms of staff and infrastructure to support and lead excellent research programmes;
- Provide evidence of a commitment to maximising the wider impact and value of its research to the benefit of local economies and society;
- Demonstrate commitment to the principle of open access publication (costs for open access publishing led by LMIC partners may be included in applications for funding);
- Have sufficient capacity to deliver research and/or other outputs that are appropriate to the wider aims of the Creating Safer Space network and that can be meaningfully recorded and reported as such;
- Demonstrate an ability and commitment to provide appropriate leadership and support to those staff involved with funded research activity.
Governance and Control
The organisation should:
- Demonstrate good governance and control functions including policies and approaches to control risk and mitigate fraud and corruption;
- Have satisfactory processes for preventing, detecting, reporting and responding to allegations of slavery, fraud, bribery and corruption;
- Have satisfactory processes in place that meet Research Integrity and Ethics requirements, including processes for dealing with allegations of misconduct;
- Be subject to appropriate levels of independent audit;
- Demonstrate an ability to support the effective collection, management, analysis and dissemination of data.
Financial Stability
The organisation should:
- Demonstrate that they are financially stable and have robust assurance around managing and accounting for grant funding;
- Have a bank account that is in its legal name and that can be reconciled to the appropriate finance management system;
- Have a basic finance management system that can be used to reconcile the bank account, to record all cash and payments ensuring that all transactions can be individually identified and provides suitable storage for supporting documentation;
- Have satisfactory procedures in place for making payments for per diem, travel advances or review of receipts and subsequent reimbursement of expenses for approved official travel.
Sub-contract Management
Where the project involves sub-contracting to third parties, the organisation should:
- Ensure there is a policy in place to sufficiently manage sub-contractors and address any associated financial or compliance risks.
We are required to undertake checks to ensure all organisations meet these criteria. Please contact us if you have any questions about these criteria, and please bear with us as we undertake due diligence checks.
Unless otherwise agreed with the Creating Safer Space team, the Lead Organisation must be a Higher Education Institution / University or a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO). Please contact us for further advice.