First Festival CineAndo with my people: participatory video and community cinema
The Creating Safer Space project Community strategies for Unarmed Civilian Protection in South-West Colombia: local experiences and lessons learned is organising a Film Festival focused on participatory video and community cinema. The deadline for applying to show a film at the festival is 8 October 2023.
The “I Festival CineAndo con mi gente: video participativo y cine comunitario” (“First Festival CineAndo with my people: participatory video and community cinema”), which will take place on 15 and 16 November in the city of Cali, Colombia, is an event that brings together amateur filmmakers, students, artists and members of the community to share, explore and celebrate audiovisual creativity that emerges from a collective and collaborative perspectives. The Festival’s main objective is to provide an inclusive space where individual and collective voices come together to share their stories in ways that reflect the reality, diversity and aspirations of their communities.
Through the screening of videos, short films and other audiovisual works, the festival offers a platform for the presentation of productions resulting from the active participation andcollaboration of different actors. These audiovisual creations can address a wide range of local and global issues, including analysis of socio-cultural situations, reflections on society and personal experiences.
The festival is not limited to the screening of films. It also encourages interaction and dialogue through conversations, talks and interactive workshops. These spaces seek to allow participants to explore a series of topics such as differences and similarities between community cinema and participatory video, learnings and lessons, and challenges of collaborative audiovisual production techniques.
In addition to celebrating creativity and participation, the festival also has a commemorative
component as it makes memory of social leaders and communities who have been victims of the conflict in the country. In so doing, the Festival also provides opportunities for reflection on issues such as human rights, social justice and historical memory. In this sense, the festival can include screenings that pay homage to territorial leaders and debates that promote reflection on social change through cinema and audiovisuals.
More information about how to make an application to show a video at the Festival is available here:
First Festival CineAndo with my people: participatory video and community cinema
Application Form