Research Café: Strategies for Community Protection and dealing with Election Violence

The aim of the Creating Safer Space Café is to enable people in different parts of the world to exchange knowledge and to help build a community of Unarmed Civilian Protection (UCP) researchers and practitioners.

This month, Mr Thiago Wolfer (Nonviolent Peaceforce South Sudan) and Prof. Rachel Julian (Leeds Beckett University) will discuss how UCP approaches that have been used to prevent violence in South Sudan could be adapted and implemented in dealing with election violence, looking at Kenya in particular and how it applies to other areas.

While focused on Kenya and South Sudan, this café will also be very relevant to any researchers or practitioners elsewhere in the world, who would like to know more about how UCP can be implemented in different conflict situations.

12.30 – 2.00 pm UTC on Wednesday 20th July

Please register here:

Once you have registered for the event, you will receive an email with Zoom joining details.