Working group on Innovation in Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning and Unarmed Civilian Protection/ Accompaniment

Welcome to the launch for the working group on Innovation in Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning in Unarmed Civilian Protection / Accompaniment.

The Working Group will discuss participatory methods of monitoring and evaluation and how best to jointly work towards methods of monitoring and evaluation suited to UCP/A.

2 – 4 pm UTC on Thursday 1 December
Please use a timezone converter to check your local time.

The session will be held in English and Spanish with simultaneous translation.

21 Research Projects in 10 Countries

The Creating Safer Space network has funded 21 research projects around the world, and we have set aside funding for a few more projects. These will undertake research in 10 different countries in the Global South.

You can find a summary of each project by clicking on the pins on our Project Map. Each project also has a bespoke website on our Projects Page, where they provide more detailed information about their plans and activities.

Invitation to join our UCP Training Course

The Creating Safer Space research network invites Expressions of Interest to participate in a 10-week training course on Strengthening Civilian Capacities to Protect Civilians.

This course is an introduction to the objectives, principles, sources of guidance, and methods of Unarmed Civilian Protection (UCP). The course is led by Dr Ellen Furnari and Dr Thor Wagstrom, and is based on course content developed by our partner organisation Nonviolent Peaceforce. There are no course fees, and course material will be provided for free. More information about the course is available on our website.

Course Structure
The course dates are 7 January – 17 March 2023. The course will require about 8-10 hours per week to read, participate and complete assignments. Participants complete all activities online through modules that are accessed through the course website. There are no required meetings for this course. However, participants are invited to meet the course facilitators and each other during an informal kick-off Zoom meeting on Saturday 7 January. Up to three additional meetings will be arranged during the course for opportunities to meet and question experienced UCP practitioners and to practice UCP methods through role-play exercises. Attendance for these meetings will not be required but is encouraged.

Researchers, Masters/PhD students and relevant practitioners are invited to submit an Expression of Interest to participate in this course. Anyone is welcome to apply, but places are limited. Priority will be given to those candidates who are most likely to benefit from the course, with priority to candidates from the UK and from the Global South. We especially encourage Principal Investigators, Co-Investigators, Project Partners and Research Assistants on Creating Safer Space research projects to participate in the course.

How to apply
Please submit an Expression of Interest of no more than 100 words to by 22 November 2022, with an explanation of your interest in the course and how it would benefit you in your work or studies. Please specify if you are involved in a Creating Safer Space research project, including your role in the project.

Research Café: Unarmed Civilian Protection in Thailand

The aim of the Creating Safer Space Café is to enable people in different parts of the world to exchange knowledge and to help build a community of Unarmed Civilian Protection (UCP) researchers and practitioners.

This month, Prof. Chantana Wungaeo and Prof. Mark Tamthai will discuss their Creating Safer Space research project, “Introducing Unarmed Civilian Protection in Thai Society: Opportunities and Challenges”. The team will share the aims of the project, their experiences of carrying out the project, and preliminary findings and anticipated outcomes.

12.30 – 1.30 pm UTC on Thursday 17 November
Please use a timezone converter to check your local time.

The session will be held in English and Spanish with simultaneous translation.

All welcome; please register here: